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By the late 1800s, maroon with buff, crimson or olive were favored combinations for portiére panels. Deep greens (assume Scarlet ‘Hara’s gown) and darkish browns were also popular color choices. Flannel linings have been generally added between the 2 faces for additional warmth. Appliques, embroidery, tassels, fringe and trims supplied further decorative interest.
Federal style integrates English and European influences and was concurrent with the Georgian interval in England. Federal neoclassic architecture, furniture, inside design, and residential decor is plainer than the Georgian colonial type, with less complicated ornamental motifs typically framed as panels and friezes. It’s luxurious yet understated, with graceful strains and a simple magnificence that appealed to the tastes and philosophy of the founders of the brand new United States of America.
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